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Calendar/Bulletin Board updated 8/23/03

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Photo Page

Photos from Ecumenical Worship Service 2002


Note: These photos are not in any particular chronological order

Bread for the World president David Beckmann chats with Father Richard Rohr, founder of the Center for Action & Contemplation, September 1994

A hike with regional organizer Zelinda Welch, Tent Rocks National Monument (left to right: Eddie DeCristofaro, Charles Lakeman, Zelinda, Lisa Nickerson), May 2002

We celebrated Bread's 20th anniversary with a cake (thanks to Mike Sims & Beth Nygaard), September 1994

Breaking bread with Art Simon. (Left: Ruth Hoffman, Art. Terry Sims. Right: Zelinda Welch, Ann Sims, Lisa Nickerson), September 2001

Art Simon chats with participant at Sharing with Our Neighbors conference, September 2001

Bread members Marjorie Williams (far left) and Rev. Daniel Erdman (right) participated in debt-relief event in April 2000

John Halvorson, coordinator of the ELCA's World Hunger Program, leads a workshop at a joint LOGM-Bread for the World advocacy conference, September 2001

Bob Warren of the Storehouse offered the reflection at the Bread station at Way of the Cross event in Spring 2000

The Bread for the World station at the Good Friday procession, Spring 2002

Long-time Bread members Violet and John Foley spend time with Julie Liggett (right), director of the Church World Service's Rocky Mountain region, September 2000

Diane Martinez-Hursh performs a liturgical dance as part of the closing worship at the LOGM-Bread conference, September 2001. Singers are Joanne Keane, Mary Quitzau and Patti Hager

Bread for the World member, Rev. Richard Rohr (bottom right), and fellow Franciscans pose after Way of the Cross procession on Good Friday, Spring 2000

Carlos Navarro met with Sen. Jeff Bingaman in the summer of 2000

Return Peace Corps Volunteers Erika Cooley, Barbara Casillas and Diane Cummings participated in a BFW-sponsored panel on Africa in April 2001

Former regional organizer Emily Abbott spoke to New Mexico Bread members in 1994

Ex-State Sen. Janice Paster & Heather Wilson, then-Secretary of Children Youth & Families, formed part of a panel at a conference sponsored by the Lutheran Office of Governmental Ministry and Bread for the World. Wilson was later elected as US representative for New Mexico congressional district #1

Jack Nelson Pallmeyer chats with a group of participants at the joint BFW-LOGM conference, November 1995.

Ralph and Barbara Rockow from Phoenix visit with local Bread members Chuck Shepard and Derry Morritz at a reception for Art Simon, September 2001

Scenes from 1994 LOGM-Bread conference: Left panel: Titus & Charlotte Scholl; Center panel, ex-state official Dick Heim chats with unidentified participant; Right panel David Beckmann, Bro. Jim Brown, Sister Janel Crumb